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DIY: Cold & Flu Season Cider

Barbara Smith is a Certified Health Coach and a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist in the Manteca, California area. Barbara will complete her studies to become a Naturopathic Doctor in March of 2017.

The change in weather means more than just cooler temperatures and shorter days. Winter is also the beginning of the unpleasant cold and flu season. Many try and scramble taking different concoctions to prevent these dreaded symptoms.

In reality, maintaining a healthy gut year around will prevent these symptoms from creeping up on you come fall. There are many ways to maintain a healthy gut, but here is one way to help you during this fall season.

Cold & Flu Season Cider Recipe

-8 oz. of filterd water

-1/8 tsp organic cinnamon

-1 Tbsp Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar

-1 tsp manuka honey

Add 8 oz. of filtered water to a pot and bring to a boil. In a cup add 1/8 teaspoon of organic cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar. Pour the boiled water into cup and then add 1 teaspoon of Manuka Honey. Stir and enjoy. You can drink this cider several times a day.

This cold and flu season cider will be something that will not only benefit you this season but year around. The reason for this is the natural ingredients and their health benefits. Historical records show that apple cider vinegar has been used to improve immune system. It is important to get the apple cider vinegar that has the cloudy strands, which is referred to as the “mother” probiotics. These strands are bits of live yeast, and they are alive. These contain the bacteria that once entered into the body, provide various healing benefits. One of the best brands I recommend is Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar.

To add to the healing process is a quality honey. Research shows how Manuka Honey stops the growth of sore throat-causing strep bacteria. It’s is no wonder that so many people benefit almost instantly from taking a spoonful of honey when they don’t feel well. Honey has recently been approved by the National Cancer Institute to be used to heal inflammation in the throat from chemotherapy. You can also add some cinnamon, which has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. Researchers have identified over seven kinds of flavonoid compounds alone in cinnamon, which are highly effective at fighting dangerous inflammation throughout the body.

This cold and flu cider is a great drink during this season and any time of the year because of the benefits it has on your gut and overall health. Studies show that 75% of your immune system is in your gut, so it is important to keep your gut healthy year around. If you slowly begin to make healthier choices throughout the year and improve your gut health, you will be ready for cold season! Preparation is key to a healthy life! Cheers to a healthy you!

Barbara Smith is a Certified Health Coach and a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist in the Manteca, California area. Barbara will complete her studies to become a Naturopathic Doctor in March of 2017. Contact Barbara at:

For more recipes and health and wellness coaching, check out her website at:

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