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Dream Interpretation: "Basement House, Hidden Treasures"


I recently took a dream interpretation class. My interest was immediately piqued when I read through the details of the course. I think that I was intrigued by the thought of being able to decipher dreams, because I can remember having vivid, detailed dreams from the time that I was a small child. Every time I would awake from a memorable dream, I would ponder the meaning of it and wonder if it was God (if there was one) trying to speak to me during the night when I was sound asleep in my bed. Some of the dreams were packed with wisdom and were what I now refer to as “warning dreams.” These types of dreams would only make sense later on in life when I would find myself living out the exact scene from my dream. It was when I found myself in those situations that I knew precisely what to do and what not to do.

Other dreams were not as obvious since they were filled with what seemed to be riddles yet I felt they must have meant something. Now, this is where some of you are smirking and saying to yourselves as you read, “yeah-sounds like you ate too much pizza before you went to sleep.” And I am sure that was definitely the case on a few occasions. However, as a young adult I am now convinced that dreams are very important and can and do give warnings, special insight, council, and confirmation if you are willing to take the time to examine them. So, without further ado, I introduce you to a dream submitted by Connie Hart followed by an interpretation of her dream:


“To give a little context for the dream I’m going to share with you how it relates to my life. I recently purchased a home. I am recently divorced and this is the first time in my life that I purchased a home all on my own. It’s a lovely little house with a cottage feel and I just love it.

In my dream I was in my new home and discovered a hidden staircase that led to a basement. I was very excited to find out that there was more to my home than I knew. As I descended the stairs into the dark basement I was amazed at what I found; there was a whole additional house. As I explored the basement soon there were other people there admiring the space. Everything was beautiful and elegant, but dated as if it had not been seen in decades. The other people seemed to be touring the basement as if it were a tourist attraction. There were beautiful crystal chandeliers, wood floors, and souring stained glass windows like you would find in a centuries old church. Soon my children were with me as we continued to explore the basement. Around every corner was something spectacular. My children (two grown daughters and their husbands) and I were shouting “look what I found over here”, as we discovered hidden rooms with their treasures.

By this time in the dream the place was full of people touring the basement. The basement was much larger than the actual house. It was announced that it was time for the attraction to close for the evening and suddenly the stained glass windows rose through the ceiling of the basement into the little house above. Then I was back in my little house marveling at all of the treasure that had arisen into the space. There were stained glass windows, crystal chandeliers and beautiful artwork. When I awoke from the dream, I knew in my spirit that this was a significant dream from God.”


First off, your house represents your life. Your life has another dimension to it that has yet to be discovered. As you dig deeper into the things of the Spirit and continue to opine on your heritage, you will discover hidden treasures that have been laid up for you for a very long time. What is about to manifest in your life is the result of your upright life (law of reciprocity) coupled with a generational blessing, meaning that you are able to receive this, because your steps are ordered and that you probably have ancestors that lived a life pleasing to your God and I believe were in ministry positions. You may also have a ministry calling on your life. What that looks like may or may not be traditional. This blessing is so big that you will be able to pass it onto your children and even for generations to come. People will take notice of your life and how glorious it is. They will desire to come close to you just to see the way that you have been blessed. The newly found treasures are unique and you can expect to see some of it manifest in the natural. It will inspire hope, awe, and wonder. Your blessings and spiritual inheritance will soon overtake you. Your life as you now know it will forever be changed. You are headed into a new season that is even greater than the last one and greater than you could have ever imagined. Be blessed!

Keys to Symbols in this Dream:

  • House represents your life

  • Descending Stairs represents you going deeper in the things of the Spirit

  • Dark Basement represents and can symbolize a lifestyle of hiddenness and intimacy, staying in prayer/mediation

  • Crystal Chandeliers represent unique beauty only purchased with a great cost

  • Wood Floors represent a sure, steady foundation

  • Stained Glass Windows represent the church and ministry calling

  • Artwork represents the trials of life that God has made into something beautiful to behold “He turn ashes into beauty.”

If would like to submit your dream for consideration, please send it to the following email address: and write “DREAM INTERPRETATION” in the Subject line.

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